Viru RMT has long-term experience in the field of design and production works aimed at the provision of thermal protection of different equipment used in the power and chemical industries as well as utility lines, including:

  • Reactors;
  • Gasifiers;
  • Flash and other types of furnaces;
  • Bunkers;
  • Gas ducts;
  • Mixers;
  • Flash driers;
  • Cyclone collectors;
  • Smoke stacks;
  • By-passes, etc.

We do heat calculations of production processes, select necessary materials, and provide installation.

We can offer the installation of fire-proof, heat-insulation, and acid-resistant lining. Different materials are used: brick, concrete, blocks, ramming mixtures, and other materials. If the lining needs to be repaired, in most cases, we offer the replacement of old lining materials (fire-proof brick and concrete) for more up-to-date materials.

The quality of our work allows to reduce heat losses and increase the level of reliability as well as extend the service life of the equipment.